Sunday, February 15, 2015

Installation External And Internal Modem On Computer

Installation External And Internal Modem On Computer
Installation External And Internal Modem On Computer
[] Internet (Interconnected Network) – or more popular as the Internet is a global communication system that connects computers - computers and networks connected directly or indirectly to some of the main line is called internet backbone and distinguished one with the other using Unique Name commonly referred to as the address IP 32 bit.
Computer and network with various platforms that have different characteristic of each,  (Unix, Linux, Windows,  Mac, dll) exchanging information with a protocol known standards TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
TCP/IP composed of 4 layer (network access, internet, host-to-host transport, dan application) each of which has its own protocol.

Internet use

Many usability benefits obtained from the internet in all fields (business, academic, governance, organization, etc.), among others:

Internet as a medium of communication

Some phenomena and the advantages of the Internet as a medium of information and communication compared to other media, information is obtained more easily, quickly and cheaply with a global reach. This is supported by the fact that to reach users to 60 million people.
  • It took 30 years for radio
  • It took 15 years for television
  • It took 3 years for the web
by application
  • E-mail
  • WWW
  • News Group
  • FTP Gopher
  • Etc
Popping up online media sites (based print media or not), thereby reducing the cost of paper and distribution costs, examples of online media in Indonesia is
  • Newspaper Internet entry (Kompas  Cyber Media)
  • Detik
  • Satunet
  • CNN
  • Magazines, brochures, etc. 

Internet as a communications medium

  • Image Company
  • Introduction, and ordering products
  • Registration Client
  • Delivery schedule etc.

Internet as an interactive communication

  • Email
  • Documents customers with WWW
  • Video conferencing
  • Internet relay Chat
  • Internet Phone
Before the Internet existed, the ARPAnet (the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) or the Department of Defense in 1969 made the spread of computer networks to avoid the occurrence of centralized information. that the event can be easily destroyed. So when one part of the network connection, distracted from enemy attack, the path through the connection is automatically transferred to the other connection.  After that the Internet is used by a group of academic (UCLA) for the purposes of research and technological development. And just after that, the United States government gave permission to the commercial direction in early 1990, more information can be found by visiting the website here.

After my little explain about the internet, now is the stage to run the internet, so we can mengtahui series of scattered information on the internet. To be able to connect to intentet, in general, the steps that need to be prepared is:
  1. Prepare a set of Personal Computer (PC)
  2. Modem (Modulator Demodulator)
  3. Connection to the Internet through Internet access service provider or ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Modem Before installing the modem should we need to know first what is called a Modem. Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator serves to convert digital data into analog data from the user's computer to the server computer via telephone lines, and vice versa.
Pengertian Dan Dasar Internet
Work Illustration Internet Connection

Modem Dial Up type could be in for 2 ie:
1. Modem External
Usually equipped with panel LED or LCD or the display info about what is being done by your modem which is useful to help us problems occurred. not use the slots in your computer. Can be turned on or off separately from the computer.
It is easier to move place (ie., You can use the same external modem for your laptop or desktop computer). In areas prone to lightning problems safer when using an external modem.
Modem Eksternal
Image External Modem
2. Modem Internal
Easy to install (or be the worst nightmare). usually cheaper because it does not have a case and a separate power supply, prevent others to act ignorant to the modem because it is located on the computer, not use the cable mess. save space and also saves the cost of buying a serial cable.
Modem Internal
Gambar Modem Internal

Installation External And Internal Modem On Computer

The next step is to install the modem, before you use a modem to a computer modem installation required, read modem installation instructions included in each purchase.

I. Installation of external modem
To attach an external modem tend to be easier, because it does not have to bother to open the casing CPU, We only need a screwdriver negative and a cable modem. At the time of buying a cable modem may not include an modem in it. So you need to prepare in advance. cable modem in accordance with the type of COM Port on the computer.

1. Make sure the computer is turned off. attach the modem cable to the modem and the other connector to the COM port, which is generally located behind a computer, and make sure it is plugged in properly and tight screws are located next to the modem cable connector with a screwdriver.

2. then connect the modem to a telephone line using a telephone cable, by using the phone cord is plugged RJ-11 to the connector labeled "Line" listed in the modem.  if you want to use the phone as well then also connect the connector on the modem labeled "Phone" to the phone using the phone cord similar.

3.After That Don't Forget attach the adapter to the modem connector, then connect the adapter to the power plug.

4. Now turn on your computer and modem, if the modem lights work / blink then we are ready to install the software. if it does not work, try to check all connections. if it has been installed properly, the possibility of damage to the modem or cable.

Install software for modem, follow the existing command screen monitor, select Com Port installed a modem (COM 1, COM 2, etc.). If the modem has features plug-and-play, then at the time of installation Windows 9x will immediately recognize its configuration. if you not know about windows 9x please read Here

II. How to setup the Internal Modem
Installing an internal modem can be very easily or become very frightening nightmare. internal modem is an internal card that is installed in the computer, the installation is more difficult than an external modem.

Do this step carefully, but if you do not understand well about the internal modem installation advice from me, you should ask paired by people who are experts in the installation of an internal modem is.

1. Turn off the computer, if your computer earlier in life circumstances, press the Windows icon located on the computer screen in the bottom right corner or on the keyboard, generally icon / logo windows like this windows lick on the icon and then select Shut Down, then wait until your computer turns itself off. then unplug cable power-supply, and open the computer casing.

2. Now Choose an empty slot for the modem. generally modem using Slot 8-bit and 16-bit which can be installed in slots ISA. whereas for the latest model of the modem using Slot 64-bit and can be attached to the slot PCI (except for the latest modem types AMR - Audio Modem Riser which uses Special Slot).

3. Remove the metal slot cover is behind the computer, when using the appropriate screws using a screwdriver to open the bolt and bolt dialam store small containers.

4. Open the modem from inside the wrapper with hearts - hearts. attach the modem into an available slot and make sure it is installed properly.

5. On the back of the modem is a metal plate that covers the hole in step 3 we open. tighten the remaining bolts.

6. Now connect your phone cable to the modem, of telephone terminals to "line" the modem, if you want to be able to connect to the phone via the connector next to the marked "Phone".

7. Then reconnect the cables to the computer and turn on the computer, it may be better for the time being let the computer casing remains open until you successfully run the modem properly, because if the casing on the computer immediately closed with bolt, it could just be an error that should open the modem that you tide.
RJJ - konektor kabel telepon
RJJ - telephone cable connector
If this has been done, proceed with installing the driver along with the software.

Stage modem installation in Windows XP

Here's an explanation of the steps by modem installation on Windows XP.
  • Perform translation in accordance the computer with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which exists. What is the SOP please read Here.
  • Automatically System of windows XP will detect the modem to the computer.
  • Dialog Will Appear in the picture below. and select Options "No. not this time"
    Found New Hardware Wizard
    Found New Hardware Wizard
  • Then Please select an option install the software automatically (Recommended). but make sure that CD or Floppy software supporters have entered the Drive.
Option Found New Hardware Wizard
Option Found New Hardware Wizard
  • Then the computer will do a search on the supporting software Drive which exists. if found it will display the following picture. click the button Continue Anyway
Hardware Installation
Hardware Installation
Wait until the driver installation process is complete. click the button Finish.


  • Introduction Internet (Interconnected Network) - or more popular as the internet is a communication system Globally
  • Lots of internet usability among other internet uses the Internet as a medium of communication is interactive
  • The history of the Internet developed by the ARPAnet (the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) or the Department of Defense in 1969
  • Devices - computer equipment to run the internet among other is, External and Internal Modem
  • Tutorial How External And Internal Modem Installation On Computer

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