Saturday, July 30, 2016

Make Niche Blog Able to Generate Money Million per Month

Yes we know that there already lots of people who can prove, make money just from blogs. On the other hand, there are still many people who do not believe this fact.

Therefore, this time I want to show you how to create a blog in a particular niche that can generate millions of rupiah per month.

Everything will I go in a transparent manner.
Starting from the process of preparation, blog creation, content strategy, until his promotion techniques.

Therefore, this time I want to show you how to create a blog in a particular niche that can generate millions of rupiah per month.

Everything will I go in a transparent manner.
Starting from the process of preparation, blog creation, content strategy, until his promotion techniques.

Blogs are used as case studies:

In December last I had free time, so this time I had the idea to create a blog for readers PIM case studies.

I will apply all that I have taught in the blog.

Then I share the results in a transparent manner.

The plan is so ...

But in fact, starting in January, it turned out I was busy with other matters that could not focus.

Finally, the blog I ignore.

Now, who takes care of his blog is one of my assistants. He helps me manage the content and promotion.

I'm only an occasional peek while giving advice.

In other words, this blog nature as "autopilot", able to walk on his own while making money though not I watch.

But progress is also slow.

The following case study of our status blog today:
- Launched on 7 December
- (Meaning that the age of 4 months)
- Number of visitors: about 1500 per day
- Subscriber Number: 448
- Total posts: 28 articles (2x per week)
- Revenue: $ 60 per month
- Sources of income: Amazon & AdSense

Regarding revenues, this new blog monetized for 1 month.

In addition to Amazon, there is also $ 1-2 per day from AdSense.

Oh yes, one more thing:

The last time I "played" AdSense and Amazon for about 5-6 years ago ... after it has stopped.

So I also now studying again.

If anyone has any tips related to AdSense and Amazon for me, do not be shy, can be shared via comments below.
What will we do in this guide series?

From now on, during some periods (weeks / months) ahead I will publish a new update on the latest state of this blog.

Not only that:

I would also openly what I do with this blog.

(Besides the name and niche)

The goal that you can emulate how to create a blog that is capable of being a source of income.

That's why this guide series created.

In this first episode, I'll discuss how to create a website from zero to ready for launch.

Let's start.
1. Finding the right niche for our blog

It's first and most important stage for niche will determine how large the potential of your blog.

Stages have been described here.

Please read the guidelines first if you do not.

Now let us discuss more specific to this case.

There are three things to note:

First, if you are planning not to write your own (using the services of writers) do not have too focused with your own interests and abilities.

The important thing you think is not boring.

Because if you feel nichenya boring, then later took care of his blog will also be boring.

Second, select a topic that is not too cramped.

It was popular around the year 2012 to the rear, the term Micro Niche Site. Choosing a very small niche that rival too small.

Do not like that.

Niche narrow money too little, because the demand slightly.

Pick a niche that is large enough, then do you have a blog that differentiation competitiveness.

Third, this one is not mandatory, but if I could choose a niche that is interesting to be shared to social media and had pictures / photos are beautiful.

The reason is because social media will be a major promotion.

If your niche is not a good performance in social media, it will take longer. Not hard actually, because almost all popular niche certainly interesting in social media.

But then again, is not mandatory.

These are some of the industry popular on the internet as a material for your consideration:
- Business and marketing
- Career
- Education and science
- Technology
- Sport / physical activity
- Psychology
- Fitness
- Health
- Home and family
- DIY, art and creations
- Self-development
- gaming
- Political and social
- farm
- Animals and pets
- Photography
- Cuisine, food, and drinks
- design
- fashion
- travel
- Beauty
- Property and housing
- Vehicle
- finance
- Toy
- Outdoor activities (hiking, mountain climbing, etc.)
- Relationship (boyfriends, friends, family)

(Remember, this industry, not niche. Niche you should be more specific)

Again, read this guide to find a niche.
2. Look for keywords and create keyword strategy

Please read the manual first here.

The above guidelines have actually been fairly.

But how will a little be modified as needed.
Find topics and primary keyword

The primary topic was the first topic of the most sought after by all beginners in a niche. Topics that everyone should know.

Follow the steps below:

First you have to do is find sub categories.

Eg nichenya "fitness".

Inside the niche of course there are derivatives again.

- The exercise program
- nutrition
- Supplement
- Motivation
- Health, etc.

Then, find what the main topic of discussion of each sub-category.

Examples of sub-categories of nutrients:

"I calculate calorie needs", "diet to increase muscle mass," "a list of high protein foods", and so on.

Essentially find information needed by all beginners.

Imagine if you are just interested in the topic, what are the first things you need to know? That is the primary topic.

Do not rush.

Take 2-3 hours while browsing the blog of the same category.

Then change the subject to a simplified version.

That is like this:

Imagine if you want to search for information on Google, what would you write. Eg "High protein foods", or "counting calories".

Next, go to the Google Keyword Planner.

Enter a simplified version of the topic to GKP one by one.

Then note the "Monthly Search Volume" of his height:

Make a note to Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Notepad.

(I use Google Sheets that can be accessed by an assistant)

Once completed, we go to the next stage.
Find topics and secondary keyword

As we have discussed above, the primary topic of the most basic and needed by the beginner.

Primary topics are usually popular.

But there are not many, the competition is also usually high.

Therefore, we need to find a secondary topic that is more varied and less competition.

This is how:

First, find about 10 blogs or more with the same niche with your blog candidates.

Use Google.

Do not just large websites, find a slightly smaller also.

Make a note in Notepad or Excel.

Then, open SEMRush.

Or you can also use Ahrefs.

Ahrefs actually nicer but slightly more expensive (there is the trial, free 14 days if you want to try).

Take one website that you've noted just now and enter into SEMRush.

SEMRush if you use the free version, you will only get 10 keywords per website.

It's easy?

It's like cheating, we do not need to think.

Record the keywordnya in Excel or Notepad.

Then repeat the above process for all the other blogs that have you noted earlier, all of them, until they run out or until bored.

Search as much as possible.

There is one more delish above techniques:

If there are small websites can get high rankings for a keyword, then the keyword is easy to conquer.

Thus, the new website you can enter page one with ease.

That is why I said before do not just find a great website.
Analysis of the level of competition with Long Tail Pro

Of the second stage of the above, you now have dozens or even hundreds of new keywords.

Later this keyword will be used as the article, right?

But choose which keywords first of many?


Depending competition.

If you are targeting the high competition first, going long to get visitors. Because it is difficult.

Meanwhile, if you are only targeting the lower competition, would be hard to get a lot of visitors.

That's what you should consider.

Therefore, good keyword combination between hard and easy.

Here we need a keyword competitive analysis.

This stage is actually not required, but the development of your blog will be much more effective if you do a competitive analysis.

These are the steps:

After knowing the degree of difficulty, you now know which keywords delish targeted first and which later.

You also come to know how high the quality of the content is needed.

Keep all the paperwork was fine.

It will still continue in the future you use.
3. Preparation and blog settings

Finally, after the second stage of the preparation of the above is completed, then we can start a blog (do not even make a blog first and thinkers).

This is what you need:

- HostGator hosting for blogs in English
- Or in Niagahoster that speak Indonesian
- Free installation of WordPress

If you want the most out of this guide, do not use free blogs such as Blogspot or Tumblr, especially blogdetik, WAP, and the like.

Use WordPress, period.

After the installation process is complete, continue to read the following chapters to learn how to use WordPress.
Choosing a theme for your blog

Do not bother with the theme ...

I often see people who mutually theme new blog almost every day. This is a waste of time.

Then there is also a buy its premium theme which he said was nice, and after it was tampered with because not satisfied.

Do not waste your time here.

Here are a few examples of free themes that have been highly enough:
- Sparkling
- Nisarg
- ColorMag
- HUEman

If you really want to buy a premium theme, some recommendations based on my personal taste:
- The Reader
- Soledad
- Foodica
- Brixton
- Tulip
- Genesis Framework

I am alone in this blog and other blogs using a modification of one theme Genesis Framework.
Installing plugins mandatory

Mandatory list of plugins that I have discussed here.

So you do not have to commute, I write the plugins that (in my opinion) are required for each new blog:
- Yoast SEO
- Updraft Plus - for backup
- Akismet - to capture spam
- WP Super Cache - to cache / ease loading
- JetPack - for protection, contact form, and CDN
- Google Analytics by Yoast
- SumoMe - for the share button and optin form
- Kraken - lighten the uploaded image

In addition to the above, according to the needs of each.

If you want to see the full list along with alternatives, go to the guidelines above.


Do not install too many plugins, can inhibit the loading blog. Install the essentials only
The pages should you provide

In addition to articles, your blog must also exist some important pages - though not required.

It's some of them:
- Contact - form or an email address to contact you (can be made with JetPack plugin)
- About - about you and your blog
- Disclaimer - if you write articles nutrition and health, there should be a notice that your article is not advice of a doctor or specialist
- Privacy policy - if you use media advertising such as AdSense, there should be an explanation of the privacy policy
- Disclosure - if you are promoting affiliate products from Amazon, for example, there must be an explanation that you get a commission when they buy goods from a link that you include

Everything is important so that you do not get in trouble.

For some countries it is not mandatory, but if your visitors come from many countries should be made only than harm.

This is a simple example of the privacy policy of John Saddington you can copy-paste:

This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies.

You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your browser specific settings.

We are not responsible for content from this blog republished on other blogs or websites without our permission.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on [Month], [Day], [Year]. If you have any questions feel free to contact me Directly here:

And this is an example disclaimer for specific niche:
The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

If you use AdSense and Amazon, there is any more information that you need to include.

Read here for AdSense, and here for the Amazon (point number 10).

But remember, too, if your blog is in blatant violation of the law, privacy policy and any such disclaimer would not be able to protect you.
Other preparations for your new blog

Before we went to war, there are some more preparation you should do.

This list:
- Installing plugins, themes, and pages that must (already discussed)
- Create your blog categories
- Change favicon
- Set widget
- Create the navigation menu
- Change permalink
- Install Google Analytics
- Set Yoast SEO
- And other basic settings

4. Provide a subscription media

Imagine this story:

You already have a blog and content.

Then you promote this content to places where so many people are coming.

Finally, there are several thousand people who came.

But, after reading their content 1-2 straight away.

Because they went away, we had no way to "call" them again when there is new content is published.

They also forgot to your blog.

Useless right?

I term it as the tub leaked. Filled with water, go all out.

So blogs should provide the means so that visitors can subscribe to, so we could call them to come again.

This is how:
Create pages / accounts in social media

There are four common social media:

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.

Create an account at all, but you do not need to focus on the promotion of all places.

Choose the one that best suits your niche, focus there.

The list of accounts in Email Marketing Provider

For some niche, sometimes Facebook alone is enough ... but usually email list is much more powerful than social media.

On Facebook, your post was seen by only 2.6% follower.

Of the 100 people, who see only five.

Meanwhile, if you use email, the percentage is much higher.

Email sent to 384 people, opened by 163 people. Open rate is 42.4%

Compare with Facebook today ... 16x fold!

That is why I suggest you to create an email list as well, not just social media.

There are 3 email marketing services are great for beginners:

- MailChimp - free for the first 2,000 subscribers
- AWeber - 30 day free trial
- GetResponse - 30 day free trial

I personally use ConvertKit. There is no free version, but its more powerful than the three names above.

After that, read this guide to list building.

In the guide there are stages that you need to do to install the "opt-in form" into your WordPress website.

Lastly, also refer to guidance on lead magnets.

Lead magnet aims to dramatically increase your subscriber.
Done ... continued on the next episode

Episode 1 of the series this blog niche case study has been completed, you now know the first step you can take to create a blog.

We will proceed to the second episode in the next few weeks.

Roughly this which I will discuss in future episodes:

- How to find a good writer (and managing content)
- Promotion techniques that I use
- content strategy
- The technique of link building
- etc.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Types And Signs Of The Volcano Will Erupt

The eruption is the movement of magma that can reach the earth's surface through, impeccably crack then burst high into the air, which brings the material ash and rocks. eruptive events may lead to the emergence of larvae which is molten magma comes out slowly - land. will appear wide crater formed due to volcanic upper body come thrown because of the strong eruption, it is called a caldera.

Type volcano
  • Volcanic cone (Strato) volcano tapered shape and cross-section has a lot of layers. examples Mount Merapi and Mount merbabu
  • Volcanic headlands (Persian) is generally not high, but widened and ramps resembling a shield. mountain example Maona loa in Hawaiian archipelago.
  • Volcano funnel (MAAR) has a type of volcano crater hole with a funnel-shaped crater walls are not too high. for example, is a mountain located in Lamongan East Java Indonesia.
As for the sign - a sign of a volcano will erupt are as follows:
  • audible a voice rumbling of the volcano
  • Temperatures around the crater rises
  • It often happens smooth earthquake
  • Animals down the mountain looking for a safe place.
  • Plants around the crater wilt.
When the volcano erupted spend a lot of materials from the bowels of the mountain among others are as follows:
    1. Material Gas (Ekshalas) chart gases emitted can be? Silfator gaseous sulfur, Fumaroles forms such as water vapor, Mofet, forming carbonic acid gas which is dangerous.
    2. The molten material in the form of larvae, the magma melted off the slopes of the volcano, which is a mixture of hot lava magma with water so that it becomes mud and flows into all arah. Lahar Cold, the lava that has cooled and crushed by rain so it becomes mud.
    3. Solid materials (Efflata) large rocks, lapilli a stone the size of a pebble, sand, dust, and ash.